Online CV planning tool

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Free Online CV Planning Tool

Category Archive: Communication & Literacy

  1. Assignment 8

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    by doing this assignment, I learned how to go about creating a plan for a business, It's true that it is not easy to create a plan for a business. but we must always follow the steps of the plan in order to get a good result

  2. Traduction

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    by doing this assignment I developed my translation skills and improved my way of using word. and also I learned how to easily collaborate with a partner from a different country

  3. Personal plan

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    this assignment helped me develop my way of using PowerPoint and helped me establish my goals through a diagram

  4. Translation

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    had to translate from (French to English) some documents sent by a partner on the Mali side. It took me sometimes to translate the documents and send them back to My superior .

    This assignment Helped me improve my translation skills from French to English, and taught me some English expressions that I didn't know .

  5. Social media

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    I improved my way of managing social media; I learned how to find links easily and post them on social media to raise awareness and influence more people to follow the page. also, i have improved my way of translating documents from french to english because i have done some translations in the past month